Results for 'Ana José Bellostas-Pérezgrueso'

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  1.  26
    Evaluation of the Cultural Environment’s Impact on the Performance of the Socially Responsible Investment Funds.Francisco José López-Arceiz, Ana José Bellostas-Pérezgrueso & José Mariano Moneva - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):259-278.
    Socially responsible mutual funds match financial and environmental, social, and governance criteria in their portfolio management strategies. Several studies have examined the behavior of these funds in terms of return–risk, obtaining very different results. The present study discusses previous results and shows how these funds often outperform their conventional counterparts. Rather than the SR character of a mutual fund, a relevant explanation for this behavior is the cultural environment in which the fund operates. Thus, the ethical framework or corporate social (...)
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    Analysis of the Influence of the Numerical Relation in Handball During an Organized Attack, Specifically the Tactical Behavior of the Center Back.João Nunes Prudente, Américo Ramos Cardoso, Ana Jose Rodrigues & Duarte Filipe Sousa - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Playing 7 vs. 6 with an empty goal: Is it really an option for coaches? A comparative analysis between Portugal and the other teams during the Men’s European Handball Championship 2020. [REVIEW]João Nunes Prudente, Americo Ramos Cardoso, Ana Jose Rodrigues, João Noite Mendes, Catarina Fernando, Helder Lopes & Duarte Filipe Sousa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The dynamic of changes in the rules in team games materialize from research and debate between experts and coaches before being implemented by the International Federations. In Handball, the last changes occurred in 2016, and one of them was to substitute the goalkeeper with an additional field player allowing teams to play “empty goal” while using the additional field player.This study aimed to analyze and characterize the use of the 7 vs. 6 strategical-tactical option for the attack in the 2020 (...)
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    “Oh! Teleworking!” Regimes of engagement and the lived experience of female Spanish teleworkers.Ana Gálvez, Francisco Tirado & Jose M. Alcaraz - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (1):180-192.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    The Building of a Dam: Value Conflicts in Public Decision-Making.Ana Costa, José Castro Caldas, Ricardo Coelho, Maria De FáTima Ferreiro & Vasco Gonçalves - 2016 - Environmental Values 25 (2):215-234.
    Public decisions concerning large projects with detrimental environmental or heritage impacts involve value conflicts which stem from the diverse interests and variety of ways of evaluating the costs and benefits of such projects. They are also framed by institutionalised procedures and practices which favour certain concerns to the detriment of others. This paper aims to contribute towards a better understanding of how these procedures and practices, namely decision support tools such as the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), tend to shape public (...)
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    Developmental Assets Predictors of Life Satisfaction in Adolescents.Ana Sofia Soares, José L. Pais-Ribeiro & Isabel Silva - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    El acompañamiento pedagógico en centros educativos de difícil desempeño: un derecho de los docentes nóveles.Ana María Martín Cuadrado, María José Corral Carrillo & Antonio Fernando Estrada Parra - 2021 - Revista Ethika+ 3:147-165.
    La mentoría como programa de formación en el inicio de la vida profesional del docente principiante se presenta como una oportunidad para la mejora de la calidad de las instituciones educativas y de sus agentes. Al mismo tiempo, revierte sobre la comunidad y el territorio donde se ubica. En contextos reconocidos como vulnerables se necesitan agentes educativos vocacionales y con un alto nivel de resiliencia, y con una meta clara: formar a personas plenas que contribuyan con su sentir, ser y (...)
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    Words and meaning in metasemantics: grounds for an interactive theory.Colomina Almiñana & Juan José - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In Words and Meaning in Metasemantics, Juan José Colomina-Almiñana argues that language meaning determination requires close attention to the constant interaction between speech communities, speaker's intentions, and the audience's uptakes.
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    Dark times for cosmopolitanism? An ethical framework to address private agri-food governance and planetary stewardship.Jose M. Alcaraz, Francisco Tirado & Ana Gálvez - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (4):697-715.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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    Social and Emotional Learning and Academic Achievement in Portuguese Schools: A Bibliometric Study.Ana M. Cristóvão, Adelinda A. Candeias & José Verdasca - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Effects of Training Programs on Decision-Making in Youth Team Sports Players: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Ana Filipa Silva, Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, Hugo Sarmento, José Afonso & Filipe Manuel Clemente - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:663867.
    BackgroundThe use of dedicated training programs for improving decision-making (DM) in team sports players has grown in the last several years. Approaches such as imagery training, video-based training, or game-based drills are some of the interventions used in youth players in order to improve DM. However, no systematic reviews or meta-analyses have been conducted to summarize the main evidence regarding the effects of these programs on the players and identify the magnitude of the effects compared to control groups.ObjectiveThis systematic review (...)
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    Qigong Training Positively Impacts Both Posture and Mood in Breast Cancer Survivors With Persistent Post-surgical Pain: Support for an Embodied Cognition Paradigm.Ana Paula Quixadá, Jose G. V. Miranda, Kamila Osypiuk, Paolo Bonato, Gloria Vergara-Diaz, Jennifer A. Ligibel, Wolf Mehling, Evan T. Thompson & Peter M. Wayne - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Theories of embodied cognition hypothesize interdependencies between psychological well-being and physical posture. The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of objectively measuring posture, and to explore the relationship between posture and affect and other patient centered outcomes in breast cancer survivors with persistent postsurgical pain over a 12-week course of therapeutic Qigong mind-body training. Twenty-one BCS with PPSP attended group Qigong training. Clinical outcomes were pain, fatigue, self-esteem, anxiety, depression, stress and exercise self-efficacy. Posture outcomes were vertical (...)
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    Spinoza e os caminhos dos afetos na docência como corpos múltiplos no cotidiano escolar.Ana Cláudia Santiago Zouain, Janete Magalhães Carvalho & José Américo Cararo - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-26.
    Resumo: Este artigo busca dizer da multiplicidade que povoa a escola: de corpos, de acontecimentos, de vida. Busca com base na leitura Deleuze-Guattariana de instrumentos conceituais de Spinoza, na afirmação da multiplicidade que habita a docência, dar-lhes novos sentidos, nas redes de conversações nas veredas de afetos que atravessam o cotidiano escolar. Utiliza, como metodologia, redes de conversações, modos de dizer das experiências vividas, estabelecidas com professoras em encontros quinzenais realizados em escolas públicas situadas em bairros periféricos. A noção spinozana (...)
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    Differences in visual search behavior between expert and novice team sports athletes: A systematic review with meta-analysis.Ana Filipa Silva, José Afonso, António Sampaio, Nuno Pimenta, Ricardo Franco Lima, Henrique de Oliveira Castro, Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, Israel Teoldo, Hugo Sarmento, Francisco González Fernández, Agnieszka Kaczmarek, Anna Oniszczuk & Eugenia Murawska-Ciałowicz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundFor a long time, in sports, researchers have tried to understand an expert by comparing them with novices, raising the doubts if the visual search characteristics distinguish experts from novices. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to review and conduct a meta-analysis to evaluate the differences in visual search behavior between experts and novices in team sports athletes.MethodsThis systematic review with meta-analysis followed the PRISMA 2020 and Cochrane's guidelines. Healthy team athletes were included, which engaged in regular practice, (...)
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  15. Resiliência e espiritualidade: algumas implicações para a formação humana.Ana Lúcia Leal, Ferdinand Röhr & José Policarpo Júnior - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (1):11-24.
    A teoria pedagógica comporta muitos fenômenos que o educador deve compreender e levar em consideração, dentre eles, a crise. Alguns educadores exercem dignamente o seu ofício. Mesmo diante das situações mais adversas, eles podem ser considerados resilientes. Resiliência é o nome dado à capacidade concreta das pessoas de não só superarem situações críticas, mas também de utilizá-las em seus processos de desenvolvimento pessoal. Os estudos sobre o tema se propõem a enfatizar a promoção de processos educativos que facilitem ou tornem (...)
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    Advancing Legal Preparedness through the Global Health Security Agenda.Ana Ayala, Adam Brush, Shuen Chai, Jose Fernandez, Katherine Ginsbach, Katie Gottschalk, Sam Halabi, Divya Hosangadi, Dawn Mapatano, John Monahan, Carla Moretti, Mara Pillinger, Gabriela Silvana Ramirez & Emily Rosenfeld - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (1):200-203.
    The Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) is a multilateral, multisectoral partnership comprised of more than 70 countries, international organizations, foundations, and businesses to strengthen global health security.
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  17. Convencionalidad, intencionalidad y signifcado : las teorías del signifcado de Grice y Searle.Juan José Colomina Almiñana - 2013 - In David Pérez Chico, Perspectivas en la filosofía del lenguaje. Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
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    La filosofía de Richard Rorty: entre pragmatismo y relativismo.Colomina Almiñana, Juan José & Vicente Raga Rosaleny (eds.) - 2010 - Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
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  19. La (otra) filosofía del lenguaje cotidiano: las filósofas silenciadas.Juan José Colomina Almiñana - 2023 - In David Pérez Chico, Cuestiones de la filosofía del lenguaje ordinario. Zaragoza, España: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
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    Agenda global e experiências locais inovadoras.Ana Paula Morgardo Carneiro, José Eduardo Pereira Filho, Marcelly de Freitas Gomes & Liana Paraguassu - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7377.
    Inspiradas no modelo schumpteriano de inovação nos segmentos produtivo e tecnológico, as diretrizes das agências multilaterais (Banco Mundial, Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico, Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento) em favor da agenda inovadora no setor público têm tido, desde o final do século passado, uma ampla capilaridade entre os países. No caso brasileiro, as experiências pontuais tiveram início mais precisamente já na segunda década, possuindo, portanto, um breve histórico de atuação nas instâncias municipais e estaduais e no âmbito federal. (...)
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    A reconstrução racional do programa de pesquisa do racionalismo clássico sob a perspectiva da abordagem de solução de problemas.José R. N. Chiappin & Ana Carolina Leister - 2009 - Discurso 39 (39):107-154.
    A reconstrução racional do programa de pesquisa do racionalismo clássico sob a perspectiva da abordagem de solução de problemas.
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    Uma reconstrução racional do programa de pesquisa do racionalismo neoclássico: Os subprogramas do convencionalismo/ pragmatismo (poincaré) E do realismo estrutural convergente (duhem).José Raimundo Novaes Chiappin & Ana Carolina Leister - 2011 - Trans/Form/Ação 34 (2):103-134.
    o objetivo deste artigo é proporcionar uma reconstrução racional do programa de pesquisa do racionalismo neoclássico como um substituto para o programa do racionalismo clássico. O programa do racionalismo neoclássico se desenvolve pela elaboração de uma nova concepção de ciência que a demarque da metafísica, com a definição da ciência como representação em lugar de explicação. Esse programa é constituído de três subprogramas: o convencionalismo/pragmatismo de Poincaré, o realismo convergentista de Duhem e o empirismo lógico.
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    limitaciones a la movilidad por la COVID-19 y la opinión sobre la democracia.Ana María Huesca González & José Enrique Conde Belmonte - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-12.
    En este artículo se pretende poner de manifiesto las restricciones impuestas por el Estado español a la libertad de movimiento. Una vez descritas estas restricciones en las tres primeras olas de la pandemia de la Covid-19, se reflexiona sobre los posibles excesos del gobierno aumentando su control sobre una ciudadanía preocupada y con temor hacia la pandemia. Sin embargo, existe una consecuencia inesperada en las actitudes políticas de las personas: una reducción de las preferencias hacia la democracia, a favor del (...)
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    Online experiences of socially disadvantaged children and young people in Portugal.Ana Jorge, Cristina Ponte & José Alberto Simões - 2013 - Communications 38 (1):85-106.
    This article examines the conditions of internet access and uses by children and young people from socially disadvantaged environments in Portugal. Adapting the EU Kids Online questionnaire, a sample of 279 participants in an intervention program on digital inclusion was interviewed in order to analyze their online experiences, bearing in mind the EU Kids Online results and the wider debate on digital inclusion. This issue was examined at two levels: access, and practices and uses. Although economic deprivation, parents’ low educational (...)
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    The Limits of Law: Introducing a Rarely Frequented Topos.José Manuel Aroso Linhares, Ana Margarida Simões Gaudêncio & Inês Fernandes Godinho - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (1):3-11.
    This introductory chapter integrates two different steps: a global consideration of the problems which the “signifier” limits is able to include and a detailed mapping of the reflective path which the following thirteen chapters effectively pursue.
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    Letramentos de surdos: práticas sociais de linguagem entre duas línguas/culturas.Ana Claudia Balieiro Lodi, Elaine Cristina Bortolotti & Maria José Zanatta Cavalmoreti - 2014 - Bakhtiniana 9 (2):131-149.
  27.  42
    Diagnostic accuracy of clinical criteria for identifying systolic and diastolic heart failure: cross‐sectional study.Ana Maestre, Vicente Gil, Javier Gallego, José Aznar, Antonia Mora & Alberto Martín-Hidalgo - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (1):55-61.
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    Employees balance and stability as key points in organizational performance.José Neves, Nuno Maia, Goreti Marreiros, Mariana Neves, Ana Fernandes, Jorge Ribeiro, Isabel Araújo, Nuno Araújo, Liliana Ávidos, Filipa Ferraz, António Capita, Nicolás Lori, Victor Alves & Henrique Vicente - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (4):664-678.
    System analyses deal with interrelationships between different variables that keep the system in balance. In many analysis of complex thinking, a system is viewed as a complex unit in which the ‘whole’ is not reduced to the ‘sum’ of its parts; the system becomes an ambiguous item because it consists of several entities that interact with unforeseen results or, in other words, it is situated at a transdisciplinary level, it is impossible for an area to have a complete reading of (...)
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    ¿Hacia una globalización totalitaria?José Luis Orozco & Ana Beatriz Ramos (eds.) - 2007 - México: Fontamara.
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  30. Crisis de confianza.José María Prieto, Ana María Calles Doñate & Ricardo Blasco - forthcoming - Krisis.
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    Editorial: Training Methodology: A Multidimensional Approach for Team Sports.Ana Filipa Silva, José Afonso, Hugo Sarmento, Daniel Castillo, Gibson Moreira Praça, Javier Raya-González, Luca Paolo Ardigò, Rodrigo Aquino, Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, Beat Knechtle & Filipe Manuel Clemente - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    The Use of Classmates as a Self-Motivation Strategy From the Perspective of Self-Regulated Learning.José Manuel Suárez, Ana Patricia Fernández & Ángela Zamora - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    It can be stated that self-regulated learning (SRL) brings broad benefits to the process of students' learning and studying. However, research has yet to be undertaken in relation to one of its components, namely self-regulation of motivation and affectivity. The main objectives of this study are to examine the use of self-motivation strategies that involve classmates and to obtain models on the influence of academic goals and self-efficacy on such self-motivation strategies. To this end, was conducted a study using two (...)
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    El concepto de derecho: estudios iuspositivistas.José Vilanova, Celina Ana Lértora Mendoza & Julio C. Raffo - 1993 - Buenos Aires: Abeledo-Perrot. Edited by Lértora Mendoza, Celina Ana & Julio C. Raffo.
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    Ethical Awareness, Ethical Judgment and Whistleblowing: A Moderated Mediation Analysis.Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour, Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour & Hengky Latan - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (1):289-304.
    This study aims to examine the ethical decision-making model proposed by Schwartz, where we consider the factors of non-rationality and aspects that affect ethical judgments of auditors to make the decision to blow the whistle. In this paper, we argue that the intention of whistleblowing depends on ethical awareness and ethical judgment as well as there is a mediation–moderation due to emotion and perceived moral intensity of auditors. Data were collected using an online survey with 162 external auditors who worked (...)
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  35. ‘Whistleblowing Triangle’: Framework and Empirical Evidence.Hengky Latan, Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour & Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (1):189-204.
    This work empirically tests the concept of the ‘whistleblowing triangle,’ which is modeled on the three factors encapsulated by the fraud triangle, in the Indonesian context. Anchored in the proposition of an original research framework on the whistleblowing triangle and derived hypotheses, this work aims to expand the body of knowledge on this topic by providing empirical evidence. The sample used is taken from audit firms affiliated with both the big 4 and non-big 4 companies operating in Indonesia. The results (...)
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    To Blow or Not to Blow the Whistle: The Role of Rationalization in the Perceived Seriousness of Threats and Wrongdoing.Hengky Latan, Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour & Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (3):517-535.
    Whistleblowers who need to decide whether or not they should report wrongdoing usually experience several anxieties and pressures before making a final decision. As whistleblowers continue to attract the attention of a wide range of stakeholders, more research is necessary to understand the effects of the perceived seriousness of threats and perceived seriousness of wrongdoing, as well as the effect of the rationalization process on the intention to blow the whistle. We make the original proposal that the rationalization process can (...)
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    Mediating Effect of Trait Emotional Intelligence Between the Behavioral Activation System /Behavioral Inhibition System and Positive and Negative Affect.Ana Merchán-Clavellino, Jose Ramón Alameda-Bailén, Antonio Zayas García & Rocio Guil - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  38. Grit as Predictor of Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment in Spain.Jose L. Arco-Tirado, Ana Bojica, Francisco Fernández-Martín & Rick H. Hoyle - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Extending the growing literature on the role of grit in different life domains, this research explores the relationship between grit and involvement in entrepreneurship. The research highlights the role of personal income and satisfaction with one’s current financial situation as moderators of the relationship between grit and entrepreneurial behavior. Using a large representative sample of Spanish young adults and controlling for a number of potential confounding variables, we find that grit is modestly negatively related to the probability of involvement in (...)
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    Can an intervention based on a serious videogame prior to cognitive behavioral therapy be helpful in bulimia nervosa? A clinical case study.Cristina Giner-Bartolomé, Ana B. Fagundo, Isabel Sánchez, Susana Jiménez-Murcia, Juan J. Santamaría, Robert Ladouceur, José M. Menchón & Fernando Fernández-Aranda - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Some contributions of Habermas to the study of public communication of science.Ana Eliza Ferreira Alvim da Silva, José Roberto Pereira & Cibele Maria Garcia de Aguiar - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 44 (4).
    This theoretical essay gathers reflections from three publications by Jürgen Habermas from the 1960s that can contribute to the study of the public communication of science. We use these ideas to create a graphical representation that summarizes a desirable dynamic for practice while considering information flows that pass through politicized universities, the social life-world and the context of political decisions. This essay considers the inclusion of the public in the scientific agenda and in policy decisions related to that agenda. A (...)
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  41. Use of the Labour-Intensive Method in the Repair of a Rural Road Serving an Indigenous Community in Jocotán (Guatemala).Rodrigo Ares, José-María Fuentes, Eutiquio Gallego, Francisco Ayuga & Ana-Isabel García - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):315-338.
    Abstract This paper reports the results obtained in an aid project designed to improve transport in the municipal area of Jocotán (Guatemala). The rural road network of an area occupied by indigenous people was analysed and a road chosen for repair using the labour-intensive method–something never done before in this area. The manpower required for the project was provided by the population that would benefit from the project; the involvement of outside contractors and businesses was avoided. All payment for labour (...)
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    Machine learning techniques for computer-based decision systems in the operating theatre: application to analgesia delivery.Jose M. Gonzalez-Cava, Rafael Arnay, Juan Albino Mendez-Perez, Ana León, María Martín, Jose A. Reboso, Esteban Jove-Perez & Jose Luis Calvo-Rolle - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (2):236-250.
    This work focuses on the application of machine learning techniques to assist the clinicians in the administration of analgesic drug during general anaesthesia. Specifically, the main objective is to propose the basis of an intelligent system capable of making decisions to guide the opioid dose changes based on a new nociception monitor, the analgesia nociception index. Clinical data were obtained from 15 patients undergoing cholecystectomy surgery. By means of an off-line study, machine learning techniques were applied to analyse the possible (...)
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    A brief precis of the institutionalization of history of science in Mexico.José Antonio Alonso-pavón, Jocelyn Cheé-Santiago, Martha Lucía Granados-Riveros, Marco Ornelas-Cruces, Erica Torrens Rojas & Ana Barahona - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Science 53 (3):397-406.
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  44. System to Detect Racial-Based Bullying through Gamification.José A. Álvarez-Bermejo, Luis J. Belmonte-Ureña, Africa Martos-Martínez, Ana B. Barragán-Martín & María del Mar Simón-Marquez - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  45. Colonialidad del crear: aportaciones de augusto boal para una estética descolonizadora.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo & Ana Lucero López Troncoso - 2015 - In José Ramón Fabelo-Corzo & María Guadalupe Canet Cruz, La estética y el arte a debate (I). Puebla, Pue., México: Colección La Fuente, BUAP. pp. pp. 293-305.
    En este ensayo nos proponemos realizar un trabajo de traducción, como lo sugiere Boaventura de Sousa Santos, entre aspectos puntuales de la teoría estética de Augusto Boal y algunos de los estudios que sobre la colonialidad del ser han realizado autores como Walter Mignolo y Nelson Maldonado Torres, entre otros. Nuestros objetivos son, primero, subrayar los vínculos entre las dos teorías para revelar la viabilidad de la existencia de una colonialidad del crear; segundo, reflexionar la estética del oprimido como una (...)
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  46. Entre dos tempestades. Boal dialoga con Shakespeare.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo & Ana Lucero López Troncoso - 2016 - In José Ramón Fabelo-Corzo & Ana Lucero López Troncoso, Teatro y Estética del Oprimido. Homenaje a Augusto Boal. Puebla, Pue., México: Colección La Fuente, BUAP. pp. 285-299.
    Los autores realizan un análisis comparativo entre The Tempest de Willian Shakespeare y La Tempestad de Augusto Boal, siguiendo la pauta de este último autor, quien ve en su obra no la adaptación de la del clásico dramaturgo inglés, sino la respuesta a aquella desde la perspectiva de Caliban y no de Próspero.
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  47. Cecilia cuenta Boal. Entrevista de La Fuente a Cecilia Boal.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo & Ana Lucero López Troncoso - 2016 - In José Ramón Fabelo-Corzo & Ana Lucero López Troncoso, Teatro y Estética del Oprimido. Homenaje a Augusto Boal. Puebla, Pue., México: Colección La Fuente, BUAP. pp. 261-284.
    En representación de la Colección La Fuente, los autores entrevistan a Cecilia Boal, viuda y colaboradora de Augusto Boal, fundador del teatro y la estética del oprimido. La entrevista permite complementar, con los aspectos menos conocidos de la vida y obra del destacado creador y dramaturgo brasileño, el libro que La Fuente le dedica en su serie Homenaje.
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  48. ¿Qué hacer con el legado teórico-práctico de Augusto Boal? (A modo de Presentación).José Ramón Fabelo Corzo & Ana Lucero López Troncoso - 2016 - In José Ramón Fabelo-Corzo & Ana Lucero López Troncoso, Teatro y Estética del Oprimido. Homenaje a Augusto Boal. Puebla, Pue., México: Colección La Fuente, BUAP. pp. 11-21.
    El texto sirve como capítulo introductorio y de presentación del libro Teatro y Estética del Oprimido. Homenaje a Augusto Boal. Se reflexiona y evalúa críticamente sobre los diferentes "usos" que se hacen del legado teórico-práctico de Augusto Boal, lo que se hace y lo que, ajuicio de los autores, se debe hacer con él. Se describe además las fuentes y el contenido capitular del libro en cuestión.
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  49. Hacia una ética de la actividad artística. Aportaciones de la Estética del Oprimido de Augusto Boal.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo & Ana Lucero López Troncoso - 2017 - In José Ramón Fabelo Corzo & Ana Lucero López Troncoso, Crisol y trayectorias. Acercamientos a la estética y el arte. Puebla, Pue., México: pp. 123-137.
    Se muestra y fundamenta una de las principales ideas que desarrolla augusto Boal en su libro Estética del Oprimido: toda actividad artística, para que lo sea realmente, debe cumplir ciertos requerimientos éticos.
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  50.  47
    Position Affects Performance in Multiple-Object Tracking in Rugby Union Players.Martín Andrés, M. Sfer Ana, A. D'Urso Villar Marcela & F. Barraza José - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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